Friday, April 1, 2011

Abortion is NOT a Contraceptive...I Thought Everyone Knew That

Due to China's one child policy and modern times, sex is not taboo anymore, and no more than one child is allowed. This is an interesting combination. one half of this argument says " Nearly half of the women who had abortions had not used any form of contraception, Wu said. About 60 percent of the women who have abortions are between 20 and 29 years old, and most are single."
The other half of this argument says, "a low level of sex education among young people," and "Sex is no longer considered taboo among young people today, and they believe they can learn everything they need from the Internet."
To me, this makes no sense at all. There is a low rate of sexual education in schools and an increased number of young couples having sex. And all this leads to an extreme amount of abortions. And here's another fun fact from a movie that I saw. Did you know that when a woman is getting an ultrasound of her baby done, it is illegal for the ultrasound technician to tell the woman what gender her child is?
Now, something that struck me as odd is the line that said, "they believe they can learn everything they need from the Internet." I'm not trying to be gross, but you can't really learn that type of thing from the internet. Then I started researching the subject a little more and this is what I found: "people in the 60 largest cities in China spend around 70 percent of their leisure time on the Internet, according to a survey we conducted in 2009." 70% of all leisure time on the computer, on the internet. That's an obsession. And maybe that's the reason they all think that they can learn everything they need form the computer, because they are all obsessed with it. But this still does not condone the reckless behavior that leads to getting pregnant. If they have the internet at their fingertips, they should know that in having unprotected sex, a woman will get pregnant. And that fact that they all are only allowed to have one child should make them all the more careful. But unfortunately, it's not. My question is, why is this?

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